miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2007

DÍA 14

(por hoy, se publicará una carta interesante)
A President Like My Father

Published: January 27, 2008

OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama.
My reasons are patriotic, political and personal, and the three are intertwined. All my life, people have told me that my father changed their lives, that they got involved in public service or politics because he asked them to. And the generation he inspired has passed that spirit on to its children. I meet young people who were born long after John F. Kennedy was president, yet who ask me how to live out his ideals.
Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible.
We have that kind of opportunity with Senator Obama. It isn’t that the other candidates are not experienced or knowledgeable. But this year, that may not be enough. We need a change in the leadership of this country — just as we did in 1960.
Most of us would prefer to base our voting decision on policy differences. However, the candidates’ goals are similar. They have all laid out detailed plans on everything from strengthening our middle class to investing in early childhood education. So qualities of leadership, character and judgment play a larger role than usual.
Senator Obama has demonstrated these qualities throughout his more than two decades of public service, not just in the United States Senate but in Illinois, where he helped turn around struggling communities, taught constitutional law and was an elected state official for eight years. And Senator Obama is showing the same qualities today. He has built a movement that is changing the face of politics in this country, and he has demonstrated a special gift for inspiring young people — known for a willingness to volunteer, but an aversion to politics — to become engaged in the political process.
I have spent the past five years working in the New York City public schools and have three teenage children of my own. There is a generation coming of age that is hopeful, hard-working, innovative and imaginative. But too many of them are also hopeless, defeated and disengaged. As parents, we have a responsibility to help our children to believe in themselves and in their power to shape their future. Senator Obama is inspiring my children, my parents’ grandchildren, with that sense of possibility.
Senator Obama is running a dignified and honest campaign. He has spoken eloquently about the role of faith in his life, and opened a window into his character in two compelling books. And when it comes to judgment, Barack Obama made the right call on the most important issue of our time by opposing the war in Iraq from the beginning.
I want a president who understands that his responsibility is to articulate a vision and encourage others to achieve it; who holds himself, and those around him, to the highest ethical standards; who appeals to the hopes of those who still believe in the American Dream, and those around the world who still believe in the American ideal; and who can lift our spirits, and make us believe again that our country needs every one of us to get involved.
I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them. But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president — not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans.
Caroline Kennedy is the author of “A Patriot’s Handbook: Songs, Poems, Stories and Speeches Celebrating the Land We Love.”


"365 pequeños cambios en el año para hacer un gran cambio en la vida" Anthony Robbins

PASOS DE GIGANTE (de la serie de desarrollo personal de Anthony Robbins)
¿Has comprado, alguna vez, un nuevo traje o un nuevo coche para, acto seguido, empezar a ver ese mismo modelo por todas partes? Evidentemente, siempre había estado allí. ¿Por qué no te habías fijado antes en él?
Sencillamente, una parte de tu cerebro es responsable de rechazar toda información que no sea esencial para tu éxito y supervivencia. Muchos de los datos que te pueden ayudar a realizar tus sueños pasan inadvertidos y jamás serán puestos en práctica porque no has definido tus objetivos con claridad (¡no le has dicho a tu cerebro cuáles son las cosas importantes!)
Cuando lo hagas, sin embargo, pondrás en marcha el Sistema Reticular Activado (RAS). Esta parte de tu cerebro se convierte en una especie de imán que atrae toda información y oportunidades que te ayudaran a realizar tus objetivos con rapidez. La activación de este poderoso "interruptor" neurológico puede transformar tu vida literalmente en cuestión de días o semanas.

Fecha estelar: -315144.89
He encontrado el discurso que el Senador Barack Obama pronunció la noche que perdió las elecciones primarias en New Hampshire y que el joven fundador de The Black Eyed Peas Will.i.am conjuntamente con otros personajes de la industria del entretenimiento como John Legend, Herbie Hancock, Kareem Abdul Jabar, Scarlett Johansson, entre otros, convirtió en la letra de lo que hoy por hoy no solo es la canción oficial sino el himno de la campaña de Obama a la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos y cuyo vídeo lo pueden ver en este blog. Debemos prestar mucha atención a sus palabras, pues pueden ser aplicadas en la mayoría de nuestros países.

It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
Yes we can.
It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.
Yes we can. Yes we can.
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
Yes we can.
It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.
Yes we can to justice and equality.
Yes we can. Yes we can. Yes we can.
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
Yes we can heal this nation. Heal this nation
Yes we can repair this world. Repair this world.
Yes we can. Yes we can. Yes we can. Si se puede.
We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.
(We want change.) (We want change.) (We want change.) (We want change.)
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics…they will only grow louder and more dissonant...
We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check. We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.
But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope.
I want change (We want change.)
Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea:
Yes We Can. Yes We Can. Yes We Can. Yes We Can. Yes We Can. Yes We Can. Yes We Can.


Estas son las noticias que vale la pena destacar.


Son nuestros enemigos quienes en verdad nos enseñan la práctica de las virtudes de la compasión y la tolerancia.

Dalai Lama

Fetuccini al Cartoccio con frutti di mare

1 paquete de 500 gr. de fetuccini.
4 tomates grandes
1 cebolla mediana.
2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva.
1/2 kg. de almejas
1 paquete de pasta de tomate.
1/2 kg. de mejillones
1/4 kg. de camarón mediano
1/2 taza de vino blanco
En una sartén se pone a calentar el aceite de oliva y se le agrega la cebolla y los tomates pelados, sacados las semillas y partidos en cuadraditos.
Se dejan cocinar a fuego lento por unos 15 minutos y se añade la pasta de tomate.
Luego se le agregan los mariscos, menos los camarones, los cuales se añaden 5 minutos antes de que la salsa esté lista. Antes de agregar los camarones, agregar poco a poco el vino para que vaya tomando sabor.
Preparamos el fetuccini en agua con sal y una cucharadita de aceite y los sacamos cuando se encuentren "al dente"
Mezclar en fetuccini con la salsa de tomate y mariscos.
Preparar cartuchos (de ahí viene el nombre cartoccio) de papel aluminio para envolver 4 porciones de la preparación de fetuccini con mariscos, colocar la preparación en los cartuchos, espolvorear de orégano y albahaca y cerrarlos.
Ponemos los cartuchos en el horno pre calentado a 300 grados F. y los dejamos por 15 minutos para que terminen su cocción.
Servir los cartuchos directamente en los platos sin sacar la preparación.
Acompañar de un vino italiano, se recomienda el Valpolicella
El toro salvaje

2 1/2 medidas de Kahlua
2 1/2 medidas de Sambuca negra
1 medida de Tequila

Simplemente poner en una copa en el orden indicado y ¡ SALUD !